Monday, September 6, 2010

Laser Master NE's need volunteers!

via RI :

Sailors and Volunteers Needed

Laser Fleet 413 has put out the call. The Laser Master's New England regatta is September 25 & 26 at Third Beach, Middletown RI.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. This event has always depended on the efforts of Fleet 413 and this year is no exception. WE NEED A FEW SMALL POWER BOATS to serve and crash and mark boats. WE ALSO NEED BODIES for one or two days, to help staff the crash boats, the mark boats, and the race committee boats. 2008 Olympic Head PRO Charley Cook will be running the show. So in addition to doing a good deed for Fleet 413, you’ll get a chance to witness one of the most experienced PROs in the world doing his job. This certainly won’t hurt when it comes time to do your Fleet 413 race committee. We need people who are comfortable running a small boat, but there are plenty of spots for people will less regatta experience (friends, significant others, etc.) Lunch will be provided as will pizza at the end of racing. Gas expenses will be reimbursed for anyone who loans the regatta a crash boat.