The Wianno Yacht Club was host to the 2010 Master's Atlantic Coast Championship. Over two days 6 races were completed in mostly light and super shifty conditions. There were 30+ competitors including new Apprentice Master and former World and Olympic Laser sailor, Mark Mendelblatt.
Scott Ferguson, the master of getting a perfect line sight seemed to be off his game from the get go racking up three OCS's in the first three races and closing with a 4th OCS on the second day. It was pretty stunning and somewhat humbling to watch him start 20+ boat lengths behind everyone and by leg two he would be right back in it, snaking his way through the pack. When asked how he does it he replied, 'Just connect the dots - sail to the puffs.' He also works hard on his boat handling as every tack and gybe is an opportunity to gain... surely, his incessant positive attitude doesn't hurt!
The top 3:
1. Scott Ferguson
2. Tim Landt
3. Mark Mendelblatt
Although Mark Mendelblatt won on raw score he had to give up points each race for being younger and in the tiebreaker between he and Tim Landt he had to give the win to the older Landt...Mark learned quickly that there are benefits to being the older guy in the Master's division!
Despite the light conditions, it was a gorgeous place to sail and the club provided plenty of food and wonderful prizes from Magic Marine.