From Stephen Kosacz (NH Seacoast Laser Fleet Captain)
15 Sailors were treated to a perfect Fall day complete with beautiful foliage, gradual warming temperatures, and increasing westerly breeze for challenging sailing on Great Bay at the confluence of the Piscataqua, Salmon Falls, and Squamscott Rivers in Dover Point NH hosted by the ever gracious folks from the Great Bay Yacht Club whose performance as Race Committee and "top chefs" made for a great event with sailors from as far away as Connecticut and Rhode Island enjoying a fun filled Labor Day weekend of Laser sailing.
For the 9 sailors who sailed the previous day the Lake Quinapowitt's Last Blast regatta, Sunday's moderating breeze was a welcomed relief but the the windward mark shifts were nearly as challenging.
The top finishers mirrored the previous day's results proving that Peter Follansbee sails well in Saturday's 20-25 knot shifts in Wakefield MA as well as Sunday's 10-15 breezes in his own backyard by edging out Ipswich's Phil King, Connecticut's Dave Frazier (3rd), and Newport's Peter Seidenberg taking the 5th spot.