Tuesday, May 5, 2020

August 7-9, 2020 Padanaram

BBR Laser Master Racers!

We are only 14 weeks away from the 48th Annual Buzzards Bay Regatta hosted by New Bedford Yacht Club!  Join racers from Narragansett Bay, Buzzards Bay, Vineyard Sound, Mass Bay, and all over New England, for a great 3-day event both on and off the water.  Prepare for the legendary Buzzards Bay Sou’Westers on the racecourse and friendlier conditions under the tent on shore!

Tried and true race management will be on hand  for the 2020 Laser Masters National Championship.

Hospitality is set to impress this year, with a Friday Night Barbeque with Brian Duchaney on guitar, and an authentic Pig Roast on Saturday with the BaHa Bros Band!

NOR is posted and Registration is up and running!
