Cedar Point Singlehanded Summer Series Kicks off Tonight, Yes you read that correctly, REAL sailing! :)
First signal at 6:30pm today! (Friday June 12th), hope to see everyone down at CPYC. Let's have more boats than the RS Aeros!
If you plan on sailing please fill out this poll, https://doodle.com/poll/wr8pyu2gusxgrzge. This will make it easier for our RC, make it easier to predict how many boats we will get and build participation.
Also to remind everyone to follow safe social distancing and possibly wear some sort of a mask in the drystall. You can review CPYC's status at www.cedarpointyc.org/covid19. Please be sure to follow all the rules for the sake of everyone.
Sailing on Saturday too, 1st signal is at 1pm but there will be a few starts before the Laser start.
Summer 2020 is here!
We also have some fleet news to announce, Long time laser fleet member Phil Hood is our new Fleet Captain! |