2024 Regatta Schedule
Welcome to 2024 ILCA season! The developing schedule is posted on the D7 website and at the bottom of this newsletter. Here are the latest calendar updates:
Portland Pilot Sadly, the June 1st event has been cancelled.
John Bentley Regatta Registration is open for the John Bentley Regatta on June 22nd at the New Bedford YC in South Dartmouth, MA.
Duck Island Yacht Club to the Grand Prix Rescue! As you may recall from April's newsletter, we had D7 Grand Prix events scheduled in every D7 state save Connecticut, but being from the Nutmeg state, the sailors at Duck Island YC in Westbrook were having none of that. They've planned a fun fall regatta on Saturday, September 7th. This is a beautiful spot on Long Island Sound and a great warm-up for the US Masters just a few weeks later. Registration is open!
As a reminder, here is the rest of the D7 Grand Prix line up:
Wickford Regatta, June 8-9 in (you guessed it) Wickford, RI. This is a classic and beloved seasonal event that has been hosting lasers since the 70's. Sail off the beach, have a great dinner at the club, and enjoy the early summer breeze.
True Blue Spencer Evans Regatta, July 20-21 in Blue Hill, ME. If you have never been Down East, here is your chance to sail in Maine's beautiful inlets and why not tag on a visit to Acadia National Park?
D7 2024 Championship, August 10-11 in Harwich, MA. Stone Horse YC will be hosting this year's D7 championship on the Cape. Think great competition, beaches, and clams.
Malletts Bay Boat Club, August 17-18 in Colchester, VT. How nice will it be to sail in fresh water? I plan to capsize just to give my boat a proper bath. This is a gorgeous venue on Lake Champlain right next to the hopping college town of Burlington. Oh yeah, this will be fodder for great road trip stories.
Lake Sunapee Regatta, August 24-25 in Sunapee, NH. Keeping with the fresh water theme, this is a new event that promises to test your lake sailing skills. Thanks Lake Sunapee YC!
Any links to these events are in the schedule below. Call your sailing buddies, mark your calendars, and get permission to roll. This will be fun. Remember the top prize is a free tuition to the International Sailing Academy.
D7 Championship Open for Registration The folks at Stone Horse Yacht Club are stepping up. Registration is open for the 2024 D7 Championship on August 10-11. A sneak peek at the NOR shows easy beach launching, the always coveted hose on the dry sailing area, and Saturday night dinner with the band Rip Tide. This will be awesome.
Massapoag 75th Annual Regatta Come celebrate 75 years of small boat sailing on the beautiful Massapoag Lake in Sharon, MA. September 6-8. Registration is open.
Do you have an event planned but don't see it on the calendar at the end of this newsletter? Please let me know: laserd7@gmail.com |